Boxem start bij Makersfabriek: "hier komt een circulair mozaïeksculpturenpark"

De IJsbeer 2024-2025. Dennie Boxem. Mozaïeksculptuur van 90% circulair materiaalgebruik in De Makersfabriek Zwolle

VIDEOCLIP KOORBAZEN - Dream on (Aerosmith)

ARTIKEL "Wie wordt de nieuwe Zwolse Maestro?"

Zwolse Maestro Dennie Boxem Peter Snijders Chantal Quak Mike Appelhof Marrit de Vries Vuurvogel Plantagekerk door Kasper Veenstra


ARTIKEL "Boxem biedt werk aan Museum De Fundatie" De Stentor

Dennie Boxem biedt werk aan bij Museum De Fundatie

ARTIKEL "Op dit schilderij plaatsten 7000 mensen een stip" INDEBUURT

Dennie Boxem and Sir David Attenborough Lets Rewild the World Team-Artwork


VIDEO Vestrock AD

VESTROCK Hulst Team-Artwork by Dennie Boxem. artikel in AD en PZC. leeuw lion logo

Boxem maakt Team-Artwork met artiesten Hoofdpodium Bevrijdingsfestival

4 Doves - Team-Artwork by Dennie Boxem Bevrijdingsfestival BFO 5 mei - contribution by Marcel Veenendaal Di-rect


secondary art


EXHIBITION NDSM-fuse: Heravi, Ghobadzadeh & Boxem

NDSM-fuse expositie Heravi Ghobadzadeh en Dennie Boxem

PODCAST BREINN: Dennie Boxem next level kunstenaar

ACTION: Free used clothes on Black Friday


NEW: circulair artwork around Eco-Plant

Talentstad Team-Artwork Dennie Boxem mozaïek

VIDEO: 'Reef Restoration Painting'

BOOK: 'David Attenborough: Let's Rewild the World' now for sale

Book, David Attenborough; Let's Rewild the World by Dennie Boxem, Team-Artwork

Aftermovie: Leeuwarden gymnasium

Aftermovie: Amsterdam Vossius Gymnasium

NOS: Wat Escher aan de hand?


NEWS: Boeven op Politiebureau


NEWS: Einde aan Escher project


NOS: Radio1 door Danny Simons (Aflevering 21-02-2022 - 00:22:22)

NPO Radio 1 Danny SImons op bezoek in Galerie Dennie Boxem

NEWS: Grootste ode van NL ter ere 50jarig sterfdatum Escher in geboortestad Leeuwarden


VIDEO: kunstwerk bij Talentstad Zwolle

NPO: 3FM-DJ te gast in Galerie Dennie Boxem

NPO contributes. Painting by Dennie Boxem, Team-Artwork

MUSIC: Solo Release 'Hearts of Stone'


VIDEO: One year anniversary 'Galerie Dennie Boxem'

Eenjarig Jubileum Galerie Dennie Boxem

NPO: artikel David Attenborough painting

3FM Serious Request

NEW: André Kuipers first contribution 'Greta Thunberg: Let's Rewilds the world'

André Kuipers zet eerste stip

NEW: Handover Mayor and Aldermen of Zwolle

Burgemeester en Wethouders B&W Zwolle met De Brug, by Dennie Boxem, Team-Artwork

MUSIC: 'The Mother L*vers' album on Spotify


NS: Boxem in tour guide; 10 cultural hotspots of Zwolle. 30th Juli, 2021.

Galerie Boxem in Top 10 Culturele Hotspots van Zwolle

VIDEO: 50 meter Dragon at Saint Michaels Church. 22th Juli, 2021.

International Publication: Mentors Magazine. 9th Juli, 2021.

Dennie Boxem in Mentors Magazine (FR)

Aftermovie free Plants. 10th May, 2021.

FREE Plant after contributing to David Attenborough artwork. 30th April, 2021.

David Attenborough; Lets' Rewild the World, Team-Artwork by Dennie Boxem

45 meter Dragon in Zwolle city centre. 1th April, 2021.

Team-Artwork by Dennie Boxem

David Attenborough Rewilds The World. 11th March, 2021.

New video Koorbazen. 25th December, 2020.

Boxem onderdeel van restauratie Academiehuis - De Grote Kerk. 11th December, 2020.

Team-Artwork presentation by Dennie Boxem

"Orange The World Sassenpoort". 1th December, 2020.


"Dennie Boxem opent eigen Galerie in binnenstad". 23th Octobre, 2020.

DB voor Galerie Dennie Boxem

Invitation Opening Galerie Dennie Boxem. 17th October, 2020.

thumbnail_gallery invite1

Galerie Boxem opening soon. 15th October, 2020.


Kunstzinnige vlinders in Roggenstraat Zwolle. 30th August, 2020.

Schermafbeelding 2020-09-04 om 13.49.47

Koorbazen semi finals WE WANT MORE. 10th August, 2020

Koorbazen in SEMI FINALS We Want More. 9th August, 2020.

Typhoon, Dennie Boxem, Koorbazen

Pimp Your Butterfly. August, 2020

Mijlpaal-tryptich finished for Meander graduates. 7th Juli, 2020.

Dali, Team-Artwork by Dennie Boxem

Boxems Cobra in '111 plekken in Zwolle die je gezien moet hebben'. 20th June, 2020.


Koorbazen naar halve finale WE WANT MORE. 12th June, 2020

'De Zwolse Draak' defeated. March, 2020.

De Zwolse Draak, by Dennie Boxem

Koorbazen starring in TV-show. Februari, 2020.

Koorbazen, Dennie Boxem, We Want More

Boxem working on 'De Zwolse Draak'. December, 2019.

De Zwolse Draak, by Dennie Boxem

Boxem hands over portret of Dutch Senator Meijer. 5th December, 2019.

Henk Jan Meijer, Team-Artwork by Dennie Boxem

Koorbazen supportact in sold out Dirty Daddies concert AFAS LIVE. 11th October, 2019.

Koorbazen, AFAS, Dirty Daddies, Dennie Boxem

Jan Terlouw contributes on Team-Artwork Boxem. 10th October, 2019.

Sint Michael & De Draak, Team-Artwork by Dennie Boxem, Jan Terlouw draagt bij

'Ik, mijn hond & MS' by Krijnen, illustrations by Boxem. 5th October, 2019.


Start 'De Zwolse Draak'. 25th September, 2019.


Vele handen 'maken' Meijer. 5th September, 2019.

Team-Artwork by Dennie Boxem

Koorbazen op ZWARTE CROSS. 21th Juli, 2019

Blaas Of Glory on Wacken (DE). August, 2019

Boxem & Dol initiate POP UP Museum Theater De Spiegel. 30th June, 2019


Opening exhibition at Theatre De Spiegel & De Koperen Kees. 25th March, 2019


Koorbazen teaser 'Iron Sky' by Paolo Nutini. 14th March, 2019.

Opening sculpture 'De Spelletjeshut'. 19th June, 2018.

Zwolle - speelveld Van Haersoltemarke 
Foto: Sebastian Snitjer bedacht een ontmoetingsplek voor de buurt: een spelletjeshut. Het speelbord kan draaien om diverse spelletjes te spelen, de stenen liggen bij verschillende huizen in de buurt.

Koorbazen teaser 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana. 20th March, 2018.

Opening exhibition at Public. 5th March, 2017.

2018-03 Tamme de Boer & Dennie Boxem versie B



Quasimodo cover 'Sunny Afternoon' by The Kinks. 4th June, 2016.

Compilatie 'This Is Special'-album voor Serious Request. 11th December, 2013.

The Mother L*vers release 'Cry No More'. 27th May, 2011.

The Mother L*vers Release 'Demons Gone Shy'. 26th January, 2011

The Mother L*vers & Semmy Schilt at Giel Beelen after publicity stunt 'stolen championsbelt'. 18th August, 2010.

The Mother L*vers teaser 'Sweet Madness' featuring Semmy Schilt. 20th August, 2010.

Dennie Boxem (1983) is an independent artist, gallery owner, musician, singer of Koorbazen and over 28.500 people have contributed to his Team-Artworks.

You can find Galerie Dennie Boxem at Assendorperstraat 174 in Zwolle.


Since 2020 Dennie makes his art in his philosophy The New Definition Of Progress. He wants his art to visualise progress in its full potential; used in its full advantage. The New Definition Of Progress contains the following.

Dennie reckons that we can not deny that we, humanity, are main responsible for the deforestation, plastic soup, bio-industry, overfished seas, biodiversity-loss and all the following consequences. This is a fact. But it is also a fact that we have been booking progress since the beginning of our existence.

The fact that these conflicting facts are true at the same time, has two reasons.

One: we have only booked progress for our own specie.

Two: we wore blinders for the collateral damage our progress was causing.

So, with humanity’s constant thrive to keep moving forward, how do we solve this?


With a new definition of progress.


Dennie’s New Definition Of Progress is as simple as it is effective. It implies that everyone, in every moment of action, has the choice to try minimise the collateral damage to our fellow man and the natural world. When possible exclude it. Or even better, reverse earlier damage. Every act, action, change or development can only be labeled as ‘progress’, when there is no collateral damage caused with this act, action, change or development.


Every individual choice, as simple as picking up a piece of litter; eating less (or no) meat; not buying plastic wrapped products; or rewilding your garden, means ‘progress’. The philosophy starts will get interesting when it gets to the level of politics, and every future political decision must try to minimise, exclude, and ideally reverse earlier inflicted collateral damage. Where politics often lack decisiveness due to conflicting interests, The New Definition Of Progress provides this common interest above all others. And these goals are getting more essential every day.


Boxem wants his art to propagate this new definition. He wants his art to visualise progress in its full potential; used in its full advantage; excluded from collateral damage to our fellow man or the natural world. He aims to promote awareness, provoke dialogue and inspire action, to contribute to inner-revolutions within individuals, to help catalyse a collective change.

Take the artwork David Attenborough: Let’s Rewild The World, where more than four thousand people added one green dot to rewild an industrial landscape. “Everyone feels that their one dot hardly has any impact, but everyone sees that every dot was needed to accomplish the goal, stimulated likemindedness. I am proud to see the participants leaving more decisive, hopeful and positive after contributing.”

Of course indecisive politics and large polluting compagnies are our greatest problem, but they should be handled the same.


An important part of Dennie’s work are Team-Artworks. A Team-Artwork is an artwork where tens, hundreds or thousands can contribute as artists. The group literally gets immortalised in an artwork together. This stimulates acquaintance, connects, bonds and raises awareness. Over 28.500 people have directly contributed to Dennie’s art.

By letting people be a part of his art, Boxem aims to let them be a part of his message.


As a cultural entrepreneur, Boxem has organised and curated exhibitions like Public Expo and POP UP Museum Theater de Spiegel aiming to promote contemporary artists from Zwolle.